  HTML For  

HTML For Babies

Use the h1 tag to set the main title of the document, h2 for a subheading, h3 for a sub-subheading and so on.
This will render as a larger text.
<ol id="family">
  1. Baby
  2. Daddy
  3. Mommy
Add ordered lists with the the ol tag and unordered lists with ul.
The list items are makded with li.
<img src="/logo.jpg"
    alt="HTML For Babies"
HTML For Babies
Display images with the img tag.
The source of the image needs to be specified with the src attribute. Add a short description with the alt attribute. The width and height are not mandatory attributes.
<table id="bday">
      <td>1 🎂</td>
Baby 1 🎂
Tables can be used to display data in rows and columns or to layout the sections of a page. Rows are marked with the tr tag, and td marks a table cell.
Use HTMLtable.com to generate and style tables easily.
Click here:
<a href="https://html6.com"
            HTML Editor </a>

Click here: HTML Editor

Clickable links can send website visitors from one page to the other. You can add text, images or any other inline elements inside a link.
Set the target with the href attribute.
target="_blank" makes the link open in a new browser tab. The title attribute shows toolip text.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <!-- Content -->
An empty page.
The two main elements of an HTML document are the head and body sections.
The head contains information about the document, here we can declare meta data, title, include scripts and styles etc.
The contents of the body tag will be visible on the page. Here we can add text, images and other elements we want to display on the page.
Download a blank HTML boilerplate template to get started with a fresh document.
<form action="/age.php" method="post">
   Age: <input value="2"
              min="0" max="99"
              id="age" step="1"
   <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Visitors can enter data and send it to the web server through forms that contain input fields, (checkbox, radio button, dropdown, datepicker etc).
In our example an input field is used that takes a number value between 0 and 99. A submit button redirects to a .PHP file that processes the submitted data.
A form generator can help you add the required input fields easily.
Special characters: <br>
&lt; &gt; &euro; &sum; &larr;
&copy; &reg; &trade;
A B C = &#65; &#66; &#67; <br>
Emojis: &#128512; &#128018; 
Special characters:
< > € ∑ ← © ® ™
A B C = A B C
Emojis: 😀 🐒
Some symbols are not on your keyboard, but you can still add them to your webpage.
For example a symbol with &hearts; or a 😀 smiley with &#128512;
These codes start with & and end with ;
Search the special character codes here.
HTML color codes
#000000 = Black #FFFFFF = White
#FF0000 = Red #888888 = Grey
#FFFF00 = Red+Green = Yellow
rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) = Semitransparent red
Color picker:
A HTML color code is made of 3 hexadecimal numbers that represent how much red, green and blue are used to mix a color.
For example, the color code for red is #FF0000.
White is #FFFFFF because all primary colors are used.
Black is #000000, because it lacks all colors.

Visit RGB Color Code to mix colors easily.

HTML Tutorial

The Amazing Tale of HTML

inventor of HTMLOnce upon a time, there was a clever man named Tim, the eldest son of four brothers, who wanted to share information with people around the world. He was a computer scientist and did amazing experiments. He thought it would be nice if they could write documents on their computers and link them together so that anyone could send documents from one machine to the other easily.

🙞 🙜

He came up with a brilliant idea to create a new language for writing these documents. He called it HyperText Markup Language, or just HTML. This language used special words called tags that told the computer how to display the text and images on the screen. He also created a program called a web browser that could read HTML files and show them to the user.

The First Version and the Evolution of HTML

Tim wrote the first version of HTML in 1991. It was very simple and had only a few tags, such as links, headings, and unordered lists. It couldn't show images, tables, input fields, and other important elements yet. But he shared his idea with other people who liked it very much and started to use it. They also added more tags and features to make HTML more powerful and flexible.

evolution of internet

HTML became very popular and many people started to create websites using it. Websites are collections of web pages on the World Wide Web that are linked together by hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are texts or images that you can click on to go to another web page.

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HTML has evolved over time, the latest version being called HTML5 which was published in 2014. It has many tags and features that make websites more interactive and beautiful.

The Magic of This Amazing Language

HTML is still used today by millions of people who create websites for fun, education, business, entertainment, and more. HTML is a wonderful language that lets you create your websites and express your ideas and share them with others.

Today more than 1 billion websites use HTML on the internet. This website will help you get started learning this coding language. You'll see that it's very easy, and it's the best language to start diving into programming languages.

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Create wonderful websites that make others smile with 🙛HTML For Babies🙙.
Help other people discover the magic of HTML language and join its adventures.

The End.